ESG Objectives
ESG Objectives
Dufry’s success goes beyond commercial and financial performance and we understand that our business activities also have an impact on the communities in the countries in which we operate. Since 2019, Dufry has supported the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and we became a signatory member to the UN Global Compact in 2020. We regularly align our overall sustainability strategy with the 10 principles and develop relevant initiatives geared to achieving a more sustainable business, including:
Customer Focus
- As the leading global travel retailer, we aim to further progress in providing a holistic travel experience – in our shops we welcome customers from over 150 nationalities every day – and initiate growth opportunities that benefit travelers, brands and concession partners alike, by developing attractive shopping environments.
- While having accelerated the responsible retailer certification in 2021 and 2022, we are committed to keep providing responsible retailer training for the sale of alcohol products. Such training is given to store and office staff involved in the sale of these products and going forward, is also given to all new employees as part of their regular training offer.
- Following the launch of the sustainable product identification initiative in 2021, we will further evolve our sustainable product assortment in line with customers’ preferences and feedback provided and will continue working with main stakeholders – concession and brand partners – to both enlarge the offering and give higher visibility in our stores.
- Dufry will continue delivering retail concepts – such as Mind.Body.Soul. – which cater for the new demands from our customers on sustainability and wellbeing products.
Employee Experience
- Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) will remain an area of focus for Dufry. Based on the findings identified in the D&I surveys of 2021 and 2022, we will develop targeted initiatives to further support employees to better manage work, family and life-balance topics. Moreover, we will continue to evolve our training offers for all employees.
- The ongoing development of fair compensation and of gender pay gap reduction programs remained an important part of our efforts in 2021 and 2022. Leveraging on the experience gained through the reconfirmed Equal Salary Certification achieved in Switzerland, we will continue to analyze compensation plans across the Group and develop remediation plans if needed.
- The business combination with Autogrill will pose an opportunity to enrich the human capital of our business with the incorporation of additional colleagues and the skills and expertise they are able to offer. In this regard, sharing of best practices and business knowledge will be a key critical area of work for 2023 and the years to follow.
Protecting Environment
- 2023 will see a detailed review of our ESG Strategy to ensure alignment with the Autogrill business combination.
- As such, we will continue our path to replace electric energy consumption with renewable energy to reach our goal of climate neutrality for our own operations (Scopes 1 & 2) by 2025.
- Following our emission reduction targets validated by SBTi in early 2023, Dufry will further engage with brand and logistic partners to deliver on our targets and to design a comprehensive emission reduction plan in this regard.
Trusted Partner
- Through our shop network, we directly and indirectly support the local economies of the countries in which we operate: either by employing local staff, sourcing local products, or by paying taxes. Providing jobs and quality working conditions and opportunities, including our training and development programs, are important contributors to developing local wealth.
- Dufry continued its plan to monitor its supply chain sustainability, with the addition of new suppliers who have accepted the terms of our Supplier Code of Conduct in 2022. This approach will remain in 2023, when we will extend the reach of the Supplier Code of Conduct to a larger number of suppliers.
- We will continue to advocate for sustainable business practices, both in industry forums that we participate in and contribute to define international commitments and initiatives.